Apply to GPEN

Request to Participate Guidelines

Public privacy enforcement authorities interested in participating in GPEN should send an "intent to participate" to the GPEN Committee that:

  1. Identifies the name of the authority and the country in which it is located, and indicates its status as a public authority;
  2. Indicates that the authority has the power* to conduct investigations and/or pursue enforcement proceedings with regard to laws or regulations the enforcement of which has the effect of protecting personal data; and
  3. Endorses the GPEN action plan, and designates a point of contact pursuant to the plan.

Please forward the requested information to the members of the GPEN Committee (below) with the Contact us form.

[*Note for applications during implementation phase of new privacy laws: The GPEN Committee will usually accept notice of intent from a public authority on which powers of investigation or enforcement have been conferred by law even where the enforcement powers have not yet commenced in operation so long as a fixed commencement date exists. In such cases, the position should be explained in the notice of intent and the fixed commencement date stated. The Committee welcomes such applications but acceptance is in the discretion of the Committee.]

Guilherme Roschke
Counsel for International Consumer Protection, Office of International Affairs
U.S. Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580, USA
+1 202 326-3677

Alex Hubbard
Principal Policy Adviser (International Regulatory Cooperation)
Information Commissioner's Office
Water Lane
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
United Kingdom
+44 330 414 6261

Sharon Azarya
Privacy Protection Authority
P.O.Box 7360, Tel Aviv 61072,

Julie Beaumont
Senior Advisor, PIPEDA Compliance Directorate
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Government of Canada
Tel.: (819) 431-4921

Tomomi Takahashi
Assistant Legal Counsel
Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China
Unit 1303, 13/F, Dah Sing Financial Centre, 248 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

You will be contacted by one of the individuals above regarding your request to participate.

Any questions? Contact us.